Medical Record Reviews for Attorneys
Sep, 30 2024


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In-depth Medical Discussions

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Medical Record Review

Medical Record Review

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One-on-One Consultation

One-on-One Consultation

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When legal cases involve personal injury or medical malpractice, a well-organized and comprehensive review of medical records is important. Whether you’re building a case, defending a client, or seeking a settlement, the fine details embedded in medical documentation can make or break a case. At Physicians Educate People, we know how vital this process is, which is why we offer expert insights into medical record reviews that can assist attorneys with complex medical information.

Start with the Typed Documents

Typewritten records typically include discharge summaries, diagnostic reports, and procedure notes, which are written in a more legible and standardized format than handwritten notes. Reviewing these documents first can help establish a clear baseline for the patient's condition and any complications that arose during care. This initial review can provide a clearer understanding of the medical aspects of the case and highlight any immediate red flags. Typed records often include vital information like dates, times, and details of the care provided, which get overlooked if you jump straight into the more challenging handwritten notes. Prioritizing the typewritten documents in your medical record review helps you gain an essential framework that will guide the rest of your analysis. Many attorneys find that focusing on these concise documents helps save time and leads to more accurate conclusions. As a medical record review company, we always emphasize the importance of starting with the most accessible information.

Decoding Jargon and Abbreviations

Medical jargon and abbreviations are notoriously difficult for non-medical professionals to understand. In a personal injury case, this can create serious challenges. Medical professionals often use shorthand or highly technical terms that require interpretation to ensure accuracy in legal cases. Misinterpreting these kinds of terms can lead to confusion and possibly misrepresentation of the facts. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the common terminology used in medical records and to have a reference guide or a medical professional available to assist with translations. As an attorney, you might not always have the time or expertise to decode every term you come across. Working with a medical record review company can ease this burden. Professionals can help interpret jargon and explain the implications of certain findings to ensure that nothing gets lost in translation.

Managing the Challenge of Handwritten Notes

Handwritten medical notes are another hurdle in a thorough review of records. These notes are often written quickly during rounds or in emergency situations, and can be difficult to decipher and may contain critical details about the patient's condition and care. Yet, they can sometimes hold the key to understanding the timeline of events or uncovering inconsistencies in a case. Reviewing handwritten notes requires patience and an eye for detail. If possible, compare handwritten entries with typewritten notes from the same period to cross-reference information and confirm accuracy. In some cases, certain abbreviations or notations may only appear in the handwritten portions of the records. Medical record review companies offer a valuable service in deciphering these handwritten notes. Whether it’s clarifying a scribbled diagnosis or interpreting a doctor’s notes on patient care, expert assistance ensures you don’t overlook any vital pieces of the puzzle.

Verifying Information Against the Facts of Your Case

Once you have reviewed the medical records, the next step is to cross-reference them against the facts of your case. Medical records are extensive and sometimes contain conflicting information or errors that could affect your legal strategy. A successful attorney knows that it’s essential to check whether the documentation aligns with the client’s version of events or the medical timeline presented. For instance, you might find discrepancies in the dates of treatment or inconsistencies in the description of injuries. These gaps could provide grounds for questioning the reliability of the medical documentation or indicate potential negligence. As part of a comprehensive review, attorneys should scrutinize the medical records for accuracy, and compare details like diagnoses, test results, and treatment outcomes with the known facts of the case. This cross-referencing process can identify weaknesses in the opposition's argument or strengthen your own claims. Working with a medical record review company ensures that this step is done thoroughly and accurately.

Do You Need Professional Services?

Medical record reviews are a critical component of any case involving personal injury, medical malpractice, or healthcare disputes. As an attorney, you’re tasked with interpreting highly technical information to build a case, but you don’t have to do it alone. Partnering with a medical record review company like Physicians Educate People allows you to handle the complexities of medical documentation with confidence. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.


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